My Fridge

So today I did a thing. It may seem like a simple thing. But it was harder then it looks. See I’m not a fan of taking down pictures. And my fridge was full of them. So many they even overlapped. From dating, to engaged to, married….pregnant and then us as a family with the

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This Weeks Frustration

We had Tony’s one month appointment scheduled for today. I even got the confirmation on Friday. But I missed the call this morning saying the appointment needed to be rescheduled. The doctor couldn’t come in today. So I got us out of the house for no reason. We have to go back tomorrow. I had

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Thanksgiving 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! ??? Days like today have mixed emotions. This was Stephens favorite day of the year. And I think a part if me will always hold that close. Later tonight Jonathan and I will watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles. This is a tradition I want to keep. The other side if the coin is

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Finding the Value

I haven’t really written in the blog in the last week and a half. I’ve been adjusting to having a new baby. It’s been a wonderful adjustment. I should be asleep right now. But I’m not. Tony woke up and needed a change and to nurse. I was more than happy to do so. This

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The Holiday Season is Here

Waking into the holiday season. This can be so hard for most of the widowed community. And time doesn’t change that. In fact for many wids time is the enemy. Time just showed us how long it has been. As I walk into this season it will be the 3rd without Stephen. It’s so bizarre

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