
Tomorrow is October!

I’ll be honest. After Stephen was killed I wasn’t sure I wanted to celebrate holidays ever again. I was in such a dark place. In May Stephen had gotten all of us Halloween costumes. We were going to have a Star Wars theme. I put Logan in his Yoda outfit. But I couldn’t bring myself

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Baby Shower for Tony!

Today is the baby shower for Tony! Thanks in advance for those that can come. For those that can’t we understand. We hope we can see you online! ?TWM #lifeafterloss #longsterling #tonydsterling #thatwidowedmom

He was so small

Three years ago. Logan was so small. They fell asleep liken this that day. It was so cute. Logan had 8 months with his dad. And both of them loved sleeping all cuddled up together. I truly love this picture. It makes me smile. And I can’t believe how small my baby boy was. ?TWM

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