
Logan loving dinner

Logan is loving his dinner. Peanut butter sandwich, strawberries, cheese stick, cucumber and orange slices. I love how easy it is to give him the different food groups in one meal and that he likes it. I don’t have to worry about his nutrition. #claylojr #blw #lifeafterloss

Did My Taxes

Well, it may have been the last day….but today I did my taxes. And I’m super proud of myself. Last year was the first year doing it without Stephen. And I was doing his last taxes. I was a mess. I cried. I got drunk. I just couldn’t handle the idea of doing his last

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Rainbow Pasta!

Ok so today I did something fun! Logans plate is mostly normal. He has his fruit, veggies, protein and carb. But today I made a fun large batch of rainbow pasta. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while. And while Keeley was here she made blue pasta. So I figured why not go

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Sick day

Logan had a great day yesterday with grandma while Jonathan and I went on our anniversary date. He even got to spend the night. Which he loves to do. But when he came home this morning he was stopped up and his nose is running. It could be the start of a summer cold, it

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Not so messy….

So one of my favorite things to feed Logan is pasta. I love watching him eat it because he gets so into good and pasta is his favorite. Typically there is no sauce. But every now and again I give him sauce and see how messy he gets. He always has so much fun. This

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Worst Mom Ever Moment

This past weekend I had my worst mom ever moment. Or at least that’s how it feels to me. We went to Jonathan’s brothers to spend the Fourth of July. For the most part the weekend was a lot of fun. There were four kids, three littles and Keeley, four adults and four dogs. Lots

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