
Mamas Big Boy

Logan has been making a few huge steps in becoming such a big boy. Part of me is so excited and part of me wants to cry because my baby is getting so big. The last few weekends Logan has been trying to nap on his big boy bed. And he has had a few

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Say Their Name

Say their name. It’s that simple. There are differing thoughts on this. Some of which make me smile and others that make me sad. If you have kids say their parents name. They need to hear it. They need to know about the parent they lost. They need to know their parent isn’t forgotten. The

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Sleeping with Dadas Picture

A few nights ago Logan wanted to build a blanket fort on his crib. As a result I had moved Stephens picture to his book shelf. I didn’t think about moving it back. Then last night when he went to bed we said goodnight to Dada and I again set the picture on the shelf.

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Happy Birthday Bethany

Today is Bethany’s birthday. Bethany is Jonathan’s late wife. Birthdays can be hard days. Lots of people love and miss her. My goal for the day was to make sure we talked about her. Told Logan about her as she is his bonus siblings mom. We looked at pictures. I gave Jonathan a shadow box.

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My Boys

Ok so I was trying to get a good pic of Logan cuddled up on Jonathan. And was thrilled that Logan looked up so I went to get a second pic….and Jacob walked up at just the right time. Between the flash not going off and the red eye Jacob looks creepy in the background

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Ok so today we had our first poop in the potty! We have been potty training for months. MONTHS! ​ Ok so I do know it’s only one time and once doesn’t mean every time moving forward. But I’m still super excited. He has been super resistant to take this step. Almost no issues with

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My Aunt Kitty

This is a great pic of my grandmother and her siblings. My Gammy is in the pink, next to her sister, Kitty, and then their brother Mark. Last weekend our family lost my Aunt Kitty. She was a wonderful woman. Most of my life we have held functions and holidays at her home. She could

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