Logan did fall and hit his head the day before his 4th birthday party lol
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He is all boy. And I lubs him. He had a blast at his party and I’m so thankful to everyone that could come out and celebrate him.
I did so much better with his birthday this year than I did in the past. Yes there was some tears. But not the day of the party. Just a bit this past week. I did hold him while he slept and thought about how his dad should be here. But I didn’t get lost in those feelings. I let myself feel it and cry just a bit. Because I will always miss his dad. But then I picked myself up and kept moving.
Logan never saw my sad moments. He just knows he saw a movie on his birthday during the week and then got to have a fun party this weekend. And I’m glad he got to be a happy 4yr old boy. Seeing him happy is just everything to me.
#thatwidowedmom #claylojr