Dadas Sunglasses

When you are cleaning out junk drawers you find things. One of the things we found was Dadas sunglasses. I’m proud of myself. I’ve gotten better at not crying at these things. Not that there isn’t some emotion. I can picture my husband wearing them. So I didn’t want to just trash them. So I called to Logan and asked if he wanted his Dadas old sunglasses. He came running. Excited to get them. I told him to put them in his room and he said he would keep them safe for Dada. I know they are just cheap sunglasses. They aren’t really a keepsake. But it’s cute to watch how excited he gets. The boy loves sunglasses. So rather than trash them he can play with them. Anyway. No real insures. Just a cute moment in my morning.


#lifeafterloss #thatwidowedmom #lifeafterloss