Not going to lie. I am not looking forward to this weekend. I’ve never had a dad to celebrate Father’s Day with. This year should have been my husbands first Father’s Day. And he never got to celebrate it. And I don’t know if that will ever not make me sad. I’ve told myself that in years to come I will make sure we take that day and use it to celebrate Logan’s daddy. That he will know he wasn’t abandoned. That his dad would never willingly leave him. Becoming a dad completed Stephen. And anyone that saw Stephen with Logan could see that. Stephen, I hope you know how much we love you. And what a great dad you were. Logan has adored you from day one. Every day I show him your pictures. I will make sure you stay alive in him and that he will always know how much you loved him. I’m so sorry that you didn’t get to see this weekend. It simply isn’t fair. I know I will cry a lot. I am crying as I type this. Logan had the best dad. I would give up any and everything to go back and have this not have happened. Logan made you a thing at school today. We love you. I wish you could just come home now. #claylo #dontdrinkanddrive #firstfathersday #firstfathersdaywithoutyou