Today is national son day. Anyone who knows me knows I love being a boy mom. Both times I was pregnant I was hoping for a boy. And I’ve given birth to two boys. They are my everything.
When Stephen died I thought it was just going to be and Logan. That I wouldn’t get to have my second child. But that’s not how things worked out. I got to meet my new love. And got to have a second baby boy.
Im so lucky to be their mama. Both are Mamas boys. And while it can be exhausting to have two boys that want no one but me it’s also amazing. Logan just walks up to me and tells me he loves me. No prompting. Both boys want to be sitting on me just about all the time. And yes I get touched out. But I also love it. I love seeing how much my boys and I all love eachother.
They are my world
#thatwidowedmom #nationalsonday #claylojr #tonydsterling #lifeafterloss