Yesterday this amazing little love turned three months old. He is getting so big so fast. At last check he was 12&1/2lbs. He rolled over all by himself the other day. He just lights up when getting attention. He has found his amazing smile and his laugh. His favorite place to sleep is in Daddy’s arms. He is nursing like a champ as well as taking mama milk from a bottle. He has his nights but for the most part he is a great sleeper. Wakes up every 4-6hrs to nurse and then passes back out. Though he nursed every 2-3hrs during the day. It’s nice of him to try and let us sleep at night. He will never know life without his big brothers. And that’s amazing. His big brothers adore him. Always wanting to hold, hug me kiss him. He was the perfect final addition to our beautiful blended family. Today is his first day at daycare. Logan was so excited that Tony was going to school work him today. We even got the boys matching outfits for the occasion.

#tonydsterling #lifeafterloss #thatwidowedmom #threemonths #claylojr #longsterling