Right now I’m having some much needed mom time. Not going to lie, the last few weeks have been hard. Jonathan’s job should be work from home most of the time. But as of late it hasn’t been. It hasn’t even been work from Houston. He has spent a lot of time in San Antonio. Leaving me home alone with a special needs 13yr old, a 3yr old and an infant.
I love my family. Adding Jonathan and his kids to my family has been a blessing. I love them. Our blended family works. And is amazing. After losing Stephen I was sure I would never find love again. That I didn’t even want to. But after time I met Jonathan. And I am blessed to have him in my life.
But home alone with the boys while Jonathan is working out of town is hard. By the end of the week my brain is fried. I want to complain about him working out of town and only being home on the weekends. But I can’t. It’s not a mom guilt thing. It’s not be being odd. It’s just my reality of knowing the difference between dead and out of town. So yes the week is super long and frustrating. But he is also back on the weekends.
Tonight when he got home he could tell I was spent. He told me he would order our dinner from the place we love and for me to just go up there and have a glass wine and then come home with dinner. So he called in the dinner while I’ve been sitting up here. Relaxing. Enjoying my glass and chatting with the bartender without having a kid all over me. Needing me.
As moms we often make our entire life about our kids and husband. It’s just what we do. But we also have to make sure we make time for ourselves. Even if it’s enjoying a glass of wine while we sit waiting for our food. Some check out time. To not need to be needing the needs of our families.
Yes I know how that may sound to some. But the reality is self care has to happen. We have to be able to recharge our batteries. I am of no use to my family if I don’t get some alone time. Some decompress, not parenting, not cleaning, not being a wife and mom moments.
So that’s what I’m taking right now. Our food is ready. It is sitting next to me. But I’m sitting here. Enjoying the live music and my glass of wine. Chatting with an adult, not a child. Yes I will pay the bills and go home soon. Because my kids are my life.
I am thankful that Jonathan could see my need to go out. To sit alone. Not needed by anyone. For him to be ok with my needing my time is super great.
Ladies. I know we want to be everything to everyone. But you also have to remember to take care of you. You are a better wife and mom if you are at peace with yourself. Self care isn’t a bad thing. It’s needed. Please remember to take time for yourself.
#lifeafterloss #thatwidowedmom #selfcare #momtime