We have just a couple of stockings in our home this year……
Stephen, Bethany, Jonathan, Ann, Keeley, Jacob, Logan, Tony, Beverly, Toni, Tina, Jack and Tasha.
This hasn’t been an easy move. Last year we we changed out the stockings. We went to target, as a dating couple who had just moved in together and tried to figure out stockings.
It was way more painful than I thought it would be. Way more than I let on to anyone around me. Even Jonathan. I was taking down the theme Stephen and I had had. Taking down the stockings Stephen and I had for us as a couple and family. And starting new family stockings. For a new couple. A new family. That move, no matter how happy I was with Jonathan, was not an easy one. Life changes aren’t easy for me.
I refuse to let go of Stephen. Or to have Bethany gone. And I had to figure out how to represent our family….part of which means respecting those that helped build this family, but are now gone.
Last year when we picked out stockings representing our new blended family we knew we would be sticking with my color scheme. Mostly because I’m super controlling about that lol. But all my Christmas stuff is red and green, white and silver. Very little silver, but it works with the glitter on stuff.
Well you can find stockings in every color. But I wanted what would work with what I had. Long story on why I use these colors. Let’s just go with this is the colors for this house. I’ve explained all this to Jonathan and he was cool with sticking to these colors. And no. I’m not the person who is ok with other colors and stuff being added. I like things to match. It’s a me thing. I don’t think this will ever be anyone else’s thing. But I need things to match. When they don’t I stress.
So we got stockings. And I put mine and Stephens old stockings away. This year we added new things. I got all new stocking holders. Last year we had pics of Stephen and Bethany with their stocking. Knowing we wouldn’t fill them. This year I got new holders that will mean pics for all our home family. So Jonathan and me and the kids, and our dogs. And I got other holders for others that will do Christmas morning with us.
I still need to add pics for us and the kids. It’s on my list. I have such a long list. This is the first year of doing Christmas at our house. So I keep wanting everything to be perfect. And I know that odds are I can’t get it all done. But I will do all I can.
Starting with the stockings.
#thatwidowedmom #lifeafterloss #christmas2020 #movingforward