Happy Thanksgiving! ???
Days like today have mixed emotions. This was Stephens favorite day of the year. And I think a part if me will always hold that close. Later tonight Jonathan and I will watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles. This is a tradition I want to keep.
The other side if the coin is that there are things I’m thankful for. For a lot of people this year has been a very bad year. But that has not been the case for me. This year started with me getting engaged. And while we were working from home both Jonathan and I still have jobs. And for that we are thankful. We also expanded our family by one this year. And that is an amazing thing I am so very grateful and thankful for.
Jonathan is taking Logan to my moms house. Not many people will be there this year. We are doing a zoom thing like we did for Easter. I will be home with Tony. He is too little to be out and around people yet. He will have his first shots by Christmas so he may get to see some people then.
I hope everyone had a great day today. Look around. Try to find the things you can be thankful for.
#thatwidowedmom #claylojr #tonydsterling #lifeafterloss #1st