Yesterday we took a family trip to the Texas RenFaire. The main reason for going was very clear. We needed to get Jonathan’s outfit for the wedding next year!
So the plan for our wedding next year is simple. Halloween is on Sunday next year. We are planning on having a costume party the Saturday before and then after mid night we will say our vows. That way we are actually married on Halloween!
Jonathan wants to go as a pirate. (I know, I know……such a big shocker lol). We didn’t want to get him an outfit that is just some cheap costume. We wanted something quality and well made. Something that was nice and worthy of getting married in. So of course we had to go where they make good high quality leather clothing.
Ladies and Gents I walked around for hours less than four weeks from having a baby to help my fiancé get just the right outfit to get married in. There is not a part of my body that doesn’t hurt today. But it was completely worth it. He looks hot! (Yes I love the dork) he really only needs a couple small pieces to make his outfit complete.
They did a good job of not having too many people. Wasn’t over crowded and most people had on mask. Lots of shops were only letting in so many people at a time and there was hand sanitizer everywhere. We met Jonathan’s brother and his wife out there. It was a really fun day. Even the kids had fun.
Already looking forward to next years trip! We may go the day after the wedding. That seems like a great way to end wedding festivities!
#thatwidowedmom #lifeafterloss #longsterling #longsterlingwedding