I can’t believe that in right over three weeks this little man will be a big brother.
In my early 20s I was told I may never be able to get pregnant. Them it took over two years to get pregnant with Logan. So I was a tad shocked when Jonathan and I got pregnant so quickly after we started trying.
Not shocked in a bad way. It was super exciting. I so badly wanted Logan to have a sibling close to his age. And we get to give him that.
He has no clue what it’s like to not be the baby. And I know it isn’t going to be the easiest adjustment for him. But at the same time right now he is super excited about the idea of getting a little brother and him becoming a big brother.
This is something I never thought I would ever get. I didn’t think I would ever get Logan. And I’ve looked at him as my little miracle. But to know I’m having another son soon. It’s truly a blessing.
I can’t wait to get pics of Jacob, Logan and Tony all together. All my boys. And then to get Keeley here in December and a pic of all my kids. My heart is full.
#thatwidowedmom #lifeafterloss #claylojr