One thing that is super hard is blending families. And when both parents are widowed it’s even more different. These kids have lost parents and have some complicated issues.
In this house we deal with way more then “normal” kid issues. We have psych diagnosis that come with meds and therapy. We have to work on basic life skills and social skills. There are times where it is so very overwhelming and I just end up crying.
All I want is what is best for these kids. All of them. Not just Logan. But the well-being of Keeley and Jacob are also top priorities for me. And that isn’t going to change. Even when I’m stressed to my max and unsure if I will ever be a good enough mom to all of them and the new baby coming.
But tonight I got a rare picture of the boys actually spending time together. This doesn’t happen often. With a 10yr age gap it’s hard. Logan is a toddler and a 13yr old doesn’t have much interest in playing with a toddler. But tonight the teen actually came out of his room and played with the toddler. That’s an answered prayer for sure. Thanks God for small good moments.
#lifeafterloss #claylojr #yeetjacob #thatwidowedmom