Dear Stephen,
You didn’t get to be a dad for very long. 8 months and 12 days to be exact. But man did you ever pour a lot of love into our son while you had the chance.
You would get home from work and before even saying hi to me you would ask where Logan was. Normally he was in bed considering your job had you getting home in the middle of the night. But that worked out. You were awake to do the middle of the night feed. Even when I offered to do it you said no. You wanted that time with your son. And I loved that. This pic is from one of those nights. You had him with you and he fell asleep and you just stayed there holding him. No desire to put him back in his crib. You never wanted to put him down.
I think a part of him will always know how much you loved him. Even in growing and losing his memories of you. He is so instilled with love. And that started with you. The amazing bond y’all had. From day one. It was something to watch. And I loved it. I would see other moms gripe about their husbands wanting to bottle feed the baby and I would wonder why that was an issue. I was more than happy to pump so you could feed him. Thrilled that you wanted that time with him. It made me so very happy.
Anyone that looked at y’all together could see the love. And it was great. Those memories will always make me smile. At first they made me cry. Knowing I would never see that again. Afraid I could never love Logan enough to make up for what he would be missing with you gone. But now, now it makes me smile. It warms my heart and I’m grateful for such great memories. I’m glad I have pictures like this. Things I can show Logan as he grows. So he never has to worry about if you loved him. Because he will always know you did. That for 8 months and 12 days he was your entire world.
Thank you for being such and amazing dad.
#thatwidowedmom #claylojr #claylo #lifeafterloss #memories