I can’t believe my little man is three years old today. It just seems crazy. He had so much fun at his birthday party yesterday. With Covid we couldn’t have the kind of big party I’m used to doing. No friends or extended family. Just grandparents, aunts, uncles and first cousins. (Immediate family only). So super super small. Maybe 15people. But he had so much fun. I hope he can have a normal party next year. But I am so glad he even got to have a party at all this year given a couple months ago we wouldn’t even been able to do that. And I’m all for small wins.
Logan is so amazing. He is such a happy child. Don’t get me wrong. He is sooooo a toddler lol. So he has his moments. But nothing I wouldn’t expect with a toddler. He loves his family. Getting to see his different family members makes him so happy. He loves anything to do with cars. And he likes lining up his cars and other toys. He also loves food. He has been really into mama making colorful pasta. And he can take down scrambled eggs. Still one of the only toddlers I know that loves broccoli lol. His love of food makes me smile. He is Stephens son for sure lol. He has a blast running around and playing and learning at school. So far most of the shows he watches are still learning shows. Magic School bus and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse are the ones he seems to like the most right now.
Here is to another great year with this amazing little boy!
#claylojr #lifeadterloss #twm #threeyearsold