A few nights ago Logan wanted to build a blanket fort on his crib. As a result I had moved Stephens picture to his book shelf. I didn’t think about moving it back. Then last night when he went to bed we said goodnight to Dada and I again set the picture on the shelf. A few min after Logan had been in bed he started to try to talk to me and I was telling him talking time was over its time to go night night. He then very nicely asked me if he could have dada back to sleep with him. It does my heart so much good to know he wants to sleep with dadas picture. He wants dada close. Right now he is currently playing in his crib not wanting to sleep yet. But he has his dadas picture right there with him overlooking him as he plays. He may not remember his dad. But he knows he loves him. And that makes me smile.
#claylojr #lifeafterloss