Logan has been making a few huge steps in becoming such a big boy. Part of me is so excited and part of me wants to cry because my baby is getting so big.
The last few weekends Logan has been trying to nap on his big boy bed. And he has had a few nights of sleeping in there instead of his crib. In his crib he was still my baby. And he still fits in it and doesn’t try to get out. But he can get himself in. But I need to get the nursery ready for the new baby so we are transitioning him to his new room and big boy bed.
And this weekend he got turned forward in his car seat. I didn’t want to turn him till he maxed out the weight for back fading. And now he is there. My “baby” boy is almost 40lbs. So he got to enjoy forward facing for the first time this weekend.
And I’m two weeks my baby boy will be three years old. I just can’t. Time went by too fast. I am so proud of the amazing toddler he is and the cool little kid he is becoming. But oh my mama heart. It is so not easy watching your baby not be a baby anymore.
No worries though. I’ve told him that no matter how big he gets he will always be mamas baby boy. ?
#claylojr #thatwidowedmom #lifeaftetloss #mamasbigboy