Ok so today I did something fun! Logans plate is mostly normal. He has his fruit, veggies, protein and carb. But today I made a fun large batch of rainbow pasta. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while. And while Keeley was here she made blue pasta. So I figured why not go for it. And boom. This pasta looks so cool! And because I did three colors at a time so it really only took two rounds of cooking to make it. Super easy and looks super cool. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m so glad we made the choice to do BLW with Logan. He eats almost almost anything I put in front of him. He makes it so easy to make healthy and fun meals. If there is anyone out there that is even remotely thinking of baby lead weaning hit me up. I’ll tell you all about it. There is also a great fb page I joined before I even started feeding Logan solids. It was so helpful in learning the ropes.
#blw #thatwidowedmom