That’s what Stephen would always say. He would pick up Logan and look right in his eye and say “it’s like looking in a mirror”.
I can still hear his voice in my head. I hear it every time Logan takes a pic where you can clearly see Stephen. There is no chance of me not hearing it. I loved when he said it.
Those two had such a bond. Lots of moms want the closest bond to be with them. And I get that. We carried the child and gave birth to them. But it never bothered me that Logan was so bonded with his dada. It always made my day watching them together. Stephen never looked so happy in his life. He loved having his own little human. And I loved seeing him so happy.
Logan is such a smart child. And has such great personality. I see Logan in the way Logan acts. The way he walks, runs and dances. In his eyes and smile.
Logan is my blessing. My little gift from God and from Stephen. My little piece of Stephen that me and his family and friends get to hold onto.
I will admit I’m worried. I don’t want Logan to grow up feeling like he has to live up to some ideal of who his dad was. That’s too much pressure for a child. So I don’t tell him that I see so much of his dad in him. But I do talk to him about Stephen. I say “oh dada likes that too” when he eats something Stephen liked. But I don’t tell him to be like dada. I don’t have to. He is so much like him naturally. Logan is a shining case for nature over nurture.
At least we know how handsome Logan is going to be when he gets older. He already looks this much like Stephen. That resemblance gets stronger every day. I love it ?